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The fleet of our company includes vehicles of various capacity and recognition -   Volvo tractors to Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards, as well as Scania Euro 6 tractors.

We are constantly working on expanding the range of services, which we hope, and expanding our fleet of vehicles, which are recognized for the transportation of specific interests.


Cars, which are vikoristovuyutsya for vantagetransportation:

- standard cars Volvo and Scania;

- tarpaulins of Schmitz and Schwarzmuller tethers with a weight capacity of up to 22 tons (volume 96 m3 with the capacity of rear, side and light);

- refrigerator vantagehopidyomnistyu up to 20t (Schmitz);

- two-tier refrigerator / standard refrigerator;

- cars for the transportation of unsafe travelers;

- cars for vantazhіv, scho vymagayut a special temperature regime (іzotermіchnі).


  • The crew consists of 2 professional waters.

  • The straps are secured with up to 45 straps for fastening the straps, with a fastened strap for fastening the strap and with anti-slip kilimki.

  • The leather car and the reason are equipped with a GPS tracking system, which allows you to track the location in real time.

  • Isotherms and refrigerators are equipped with the Dynafleet rack system.

  • All crews are equipped with a package of necessary adjustments for the transportation of non-safe (ADR) travelers

International transport logistic

© 2015 Taisa-


89600, Ukraine


st. Avtomobilistov, 20

tel.: +380 50 372 20 20

tel.: +380 50 314 00 99

tel.: +380 50 372 11 22

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